What Can You Do With Too Much Eggplant?

Last Updated on July 3rd, 2023

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Packed full of amazing antioxidants like vitamins A and C that help protect your body’s cells against damage, eggplant is sure to boast many health benefits that make it no surprise it is considered a superfood. 

Unfortunately, eggplants are not the easiest food to cook, prepare or store. For example, if you happen to ever so slightly undercook it, you will have a bitter-tasting vegetable with the texture of a fluff ball in your mouth. 

Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen to you.   

Can You Freeze Raw Eggplant?

Raw eggplant can indeed be frozen, but do so with caution. Once frozen and thawed, know that the eggplant will never be or taste exactly like fresh. You may be able to help protect the texture better than the test. 

As eggplant consists of a vast amount of water, you need to do what you can to take some of that away before freezing. When frozen, water expands and turns to ice that, once melted whilst thawing, can leave you with one soggy eggplant. 

Consider slicing and part baking your eggplant before ultimately freezing.  


What Are The Ways To Preserve Eggplants?

One of the best-known ways to preserve eggplant is to dehydrate it. 

Unfortunately, the process of dehydrating something considerably reduces the moisture content to between five and twenty percent. Bacteria that cause food to go rotten cannot survive these conditions. 

Dehydrating an eggplant allows it to last longer and still taste delightful. You can even decide to freeze your eggplant after putting it through the process of dehydration. 

Alternatively, you could water-blanch an eggplant. This process involves scalding the fruit in boiling hot water or steam, then quickly cooling it in ice water. Water blanching prevents loss of flavor, texture, and color. 


How Long Does Eggplant Last In The Fridge?

You’re emptying your shopping bags that are full to the brim with healthy foods. Then, you come across the eggplant and know you are not going to use it immediately, so what do you do with it? 

If you know your eggplant is not going to be eaten within around two days, it can be stored in the fridge for up to a week. 

The best refrigerating practice for an eggplant is to wrap it in some paper towel and keep it in a reusable container near the bottom of your fridge, where it is coldest.


Are There Any Recipes For Eggplant Sauces That Can Last?

There are plenty of eggplant sauce recipes that are sure to be winners at dinner time. Some eggplant sauces, like a simple tomato sauce that you can combine with a pasta dish, can be allowed to cool and frozen for use at a later date if preferred. 

The beauty of an eggplant sauce being frozen is that if done properly, all the taste and texture should be preserved in the process. 


Is Frying Then Freezing An Eggplant An Option?

There are a surprising amount of recipes and different ways to cook an eggplant. 

If you enjoy frying your eggplant, you can easily transfer it to trays lined with baking sheets and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. This ensures that each individual slice of eggplant is fully frozen. 

Once frozen, you can then remove and place all the eggplant in an airtight container and store it in the freezer for up to four months. 


Final Thoughts on What Can You Do With Too Much Eggplant

Easy to cook, simple to store, and full of natural flavors or infused with flavors through colorful recipes, eggplants are not to be underestimated.

There is a surprising array of sauces, toppings, home-cooked meals, and snacks you can make with eggplants. Thankfully they can be frozen to help last just that little bit longer. 

Next time you’re meal planning for the busy week ahead, consider adding this superfood to your grocery list because there is so much you can do with it.


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