How processed is Almond Milk?

Last Updated on July 3rd, 2023

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There are going to be a few tricksters that might try to convince you that almond milk is produced by squeezing or pressing almond milk like you would the teat of a dairy cow or goat. 

But, not from the fields, the almonds are then added to an excess of water, then blended and crushed into a pulp. 

The solution is then filtered, and a concentrated form of almond milk is created from the cloudy liquid. This can be done at a mass production level or with a home blender in the kitchen. Either way, the idea is to get the milk as pulp free as possible. 

Is Almond Milk Actually Healthy?

There will be two different camps of thought on this, and one will be thinking about the benefits of lactose substitutes and the nutrients that come from consuming such a nutty drink. 

Of course, there will be those all-natural minds that will speak about the health benefits as well, but then you will have the environmentalists that stress about the inefficiencies that come with using Almonds as the main source of taste for the milk. 

In other words, the milk or liquid drink itself will not harm the body as much as the harvesting and how easy it can be to become wasteful with the almonds during the production phase. 

Many complain about the watering inefficiencies that are involved with creating these types of milk.  


What is the Healthiest Milk to Drink?

The too straightforward fact is that your mother’s milk is going to be the healthiest milk for human consumption. It’s nutritionally filled with everything the body needs and offers a nice emotional incentive for toddlers. 

Adults, yes, even though men wish they could, cannot be seen sucking from their mothers, which we would need to find outside sources for this. 

Surprisingly, products like hemp, oats, and soy milk are rich in nutrients from plant sources. These can be used for feeding the livestock and to create healthier dairy or goat’s milk, but they can also be served directly to guests. 


How Do They Process Almond Milk?

There are going to be different ways to approach this. The differences show up in the amount of milk being created at one time. The larger processing facilities will be able to create and produce vast amounts of milk, but only by using larger amounts and equipment. 

At the micro level, such as those household items that can perform the same tasks, just on a much smaller scale. How it is done starts with adding the nuts to a blender of some sort, then blending them into a thick pulp. 

Water is added to help collect and concentrate the almond pulp, then can be filtered and boiled down to create the expected almond milk consistency. 


Is Almond Milk Made from One Hundred Percent Almonds?

Yes, and no, as touched on above, the “milk” that comes from the almonds will be a pulp that combines with water to create a “soup,” if you will. The material from the almonds is then filtered out, similar to how vineyards create Rosés and White wines. 

So, the “milk” or pulp from the almonds will be the organic portion of the solution, but most of the liquid will be water. Therefore, it is not one hundred percent almonds, more of a concentrated form like that of orange juices from a can. 


Is it Healthier if You Make it at Home?

Not necessarily, but there is going to be a fresher set of benefits when it comes to nutrition for the body. Even having tannin, or left-over almond material in the milk, can increase the fiber and other nutritional benefits when mixed up at home. 

Even better, those that make protein drinks or daily shakes should consider tossing a few of these super nuts into the mix to improve the flavor and nutritional benefits. 

So, to be clear, there are going to be healthier mixtures that can be made at home that you might not be able to find in a supermarket. 


Final Thoughts on How Processed is Almond Milk

Almonds are going to be a sweet nut, which produces a very sweet dairy milk substitute as well. There are going to be many that believe the best way to get the full benefits from these nuts is to eat them raw or add them to a protein drink or some kind of smoothie. 

If you are looking for good milk for your morning coffee or afternoon tea, then almond milk will provide a nice, sweet base to help cut some of the acidity down but also some flavor to your standard black coffee flavor base. 


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