Can you cook frozen chicken on a George Foreman Grill?

Last Updated on June 18th, 2023

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There are going to be certain things that should not be done on a Foreman grill. Cooking chicken is not one of them, at least boneless versions. Also, when you think about using these simple grills, there are going to be some types of meat that will not work as well. 

For instance, if the chicken you are preparing has bones still in them, do not cook them on the Foreman because there will be a risk of uneven cooking and possibly burnt poultry. 

As a matter of fact, when it comes to frozen meats, there are going to be many that will recommend the Foreman as a quick solution to the outdoor gas and charcoal varieties.    

Is it Possible to Make it?

The thing about cooking frozen chicken is that it may be difficult to season and avoid a bland product. 

That being said, if you intend to cube or shred or other preparation techniques that lead to the chicken getting marinaded or added to salad, then the George Foreman Grill is not a bad choice. 

Even better, if you have veggies or other ingredients that need to be heated and cooked, then toss them on there because this unit is just that good. 

Therefore, if you are considering purchasing one or upgrading it for personal or professional needs, these grills are a very handy cooking piece of tech. 


How Should You Do it?

The key will be to space the chicken for thorough and even thawing, then cooking. The chicken comes in many different cuts that will work with the Foreman grill, but avoid drumsticks, wings, and larger chicken breasts (unless you got the deluxe version type grills). 

Their cooking of frozen chicken pieces must start with a thawing stage, which then can be started at a lower temperature. Once the excess water is steamed away, the grilling process begins, which can involve turning up the temperature. 

If you are in a rush, looking for a quick solution for dinner or for the next day’s meal as an ingredient, especially for those needing marinating overnight, the Foreman is a go-to.  


What Do You Need to Know Before You Start?

First, you need to know where the hot spots are on the older grills. Unless you have a new one, these are found near the middle. 

Next will be to understand the temperature needs and the differences between thawing and the cooking of the chicken; each will have different time and temperature needs which can easily be controlled by watching your meat grill. 

Next, you will need to know what sort of chicken you will be cooking, skin-on or boneless chicken breasts, and then take into account how long the package has been in the freezer, then what the final product is going to be. 


How Long Does it Take to Do it?

I take varying times. As mentioned earlier in the article, you will need to know what chicken cuts you are working with and how to use your Foreman grill. 

From there, it really takes a scientific approach, watching and timing your meats, and learning the finer nuances when it comes to perfecting a good grilled piece of poultry. 

For the most part, a good place to start will be to take the standard time for a thawed piece of chicken breast to be grilled properly, which is six to eight minutes on each side. 

Then, go from there, taking away time for smaller tenderloins or thigh pieces or increasing time for multiple pieces. 


Common Mistakes You Need to Avoid

The most common mistakes start before the grilling process even begins; this is not knowing your own grill, which can lead to burning or unsatisfactory textures on the pieces of chicken. 

Another mistake along these lines will begin with being privy to the thawing step of cooking a frozen piece of chicken. 

There is a big difference when it comes to cooking a frozen piece of chicken, one that is completely thawed out, and all of those that are in between. Not knowing these little things can lead to multiple mistakes, many of which are not tasty or healthy mistakes.   


Final Thoughts on Cooking Frozen Chicken on a George Foreman Grill

Chicken is easier meat to cook with, more than any sort of beef or other larger game animal cuts of meat. 

If you are concerned about the treatment of the animals which you are purchasing the meat from, consider buying locally and speaking to the farmer/rancher directly. 

More often than not, a family will have the product you are looking for. Consider speaking to a local butcher, especially if they speak for the locals on animal treatment and diet concerns. 

They aren’t hard to find. Just takes time. 


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