Is It Better To Freeze Or Dehydrate Bell Peppers?

Last Updated on May 24th, 2023

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 Bell peppers are one of the most popular veggies out there. You can transform them into everything from salsa and soups to ketchup and casseroles, and they’re also an excellent source of vitamin C. 

But how do you store your bell peppers so that they won’t go bad? Is it better to freeze or dehydrate them? What about their nutritional value? Find those answers by reading below to get some tips on whether you should freeze or dehydrate bell peppers!

Red, green and yellow Bell Peppers on a wooden surface - Is It Better To Freeze Or Dehydrate them?

How Long will Dehydrated Bell Peppers Last?

Dehydrating bell peppers is a good way to preserve them, but it takes longer and is best used in soups and stews.

When stored properly, they can easily last up to a year. Below, we’ll talk about how to dehydrate them properly so you can enjoy the peppers year-round.


Do Frozen Peppers Last Longer?

Dehydrating bell peppers is a good way to preserve them, but it takes longer and is best used in soups and stews.

Freezing bell peppers is the best way to preserve them for long-term storage. You can freeze them whole or cut them into slices or strips. Suppose you plan on using frozen peppers later in soups, stews, or sauces.

In that case, you may want to consider cutting them into strips so that they will be easier to use later on compared with whole frozen bell peppers, which would take longer to thaw before cooking with them again.


Should You Cook it Before Freezing it?

Freezing bell peppers is the best way to preserve them for long-term storage. You can freeze them whole or cut them into slices or strips. Suppose you plan on using frozen peppers later in soups, stews, or sauces. 

In that case, you may want to consider cutting them into strips so that they will be easier to use later on compared with whole frozen bell peppers, which would take longer to thaw before cooking with them again.


How do you Dehydrate Peppers in a Dehydrator?

You will need to follow these steps to hydrate the peppers properly so that you can enjoy them for long-term use.


  • To dehydrate peppers in a dehydrator, you’ll need to set them to 125 degrees Fahrenheit (50 degrees Celsius). Dehydrating at this temperature will make the process go faster and preserve more nutrients than if you were to dry them at a higher temperature.
  • Dehydrate peppers for 12-18 hours total. This may take several sessions depending on how thickly the peppers are sliced. The time will vary based on your dehydrator and what else you’re drying at the same time. 
  • If your food is ready before 12 hours go by, turn off the machine and let it cool down; then resume when appropriate. When all is said and done, your peppers should be dry but still pliable enough that they don’t fall apart when handled or bitten into!
  • Now, you should store your dehydrated peppers in an airtight container in a cool, dark place (think your pantry). Make sure that you use the peppers within a year!


How Should You Store Dehydrated Peppers?

You should store your dehydrated peppers in a cool, dry place. They can last four months if kept away from moisture, heat, and light. If you want to store them for longer than that, freezing them will give you extra time to use them and enjoy their taste.


Final Thoughts on Is It Better To Freeze Or Dehydrate Bell Peppers

We know that there’s a lot of conflicting information out there, so we wanted to make sure we covered all the bases with this one. 

With that said, it’s hard to say which method is better than another since they both have their pros and cons, which may differ depending on the situation you’re in at any given time. Either way, both methods can help preserve your bell peppers for a long period!
